IECEx-examens door PBNA

Al vanaf begin 2019 is Koninklijke PBNA, als eerste onafhankelijk opererende certificatiebureau van Nederland, erkend als IECEx05 certificatiebureau (ExCB) voor het certificeren van personen die werkzaam zijn in explosiegevaarlijke omgevingen.

As of early 2019, Royal PBNA, as the first independently operating certification agency in the Netherlands, is recognized as an IECEx05 certification agency (ExCB) for certifying individuals working in hazardous explosive environments. The Royal PBNA does not provide training but is strictly concerned with examining and certifying candidates.
In addition to IECEx05 exams, Royal PBNA can also provide customized exams.


Dutch legislation requires that adequate instruction be given to personnel working in hazardous areas. The ATEX regulations apply in the Netherlands. These regulations state that people must be competent, but unfortunately they do not mention how to comply. IECEx has taken this further. Despite the voluntary status of IECEx, the IECEx standards and guidelines are increasingly being used within ATEX.
IECEx draws up the standards and guidelines but does not itself certify people or products. It leaves that to organizations that specialize in it, such as the Royal PBNA.


Upon successful completion of a theory and/or practical exam, the participant receives an attestation from Royal PBNA. This is proof that the participant has passed the unit in question. The period of validity of an attestation is five years.

Person Certificate

When a person wants to demonstrate skills in explosion safety internationally, the IECEx05 certificate of personal competence can be requested through Royal PBNA. Such a personal certificate can be applied for when all conditions are met.
Person Certificates or Certificate of Personal Competencies (CoPC), issued under the international IECEx 05 scheme, allow individuals to prove that they possess the knowledge and skills required to safely perform certain types of work related to explosion equipment and installations. With this CoPC, companies around the world that have accepted this certification scheme can be shown to have the required knowledge and skills. Royal PBNA provides examinations with and without an option for a personal certificate.
A CoPC is valid for 5 years and is published online on the IECEx website. Certified individuals receive a portfolio card with the scope of their competencies.

Een CoPC afgegeven door Koninklijke PBNA toont aan dat de certificaathouder in staat is om:

  • Work safely in hazardous areas;
  • Competent to work;
  • Ensuring that equipment operates safely and in accordance with security techniques.

Benefits of a CoPC:

  • Simple demonstration of competencies;
  • Globally the same demonstrable level;
  • Internationally recognized; required for IECEx-certified facilities;
  • Registered in the IECEx database system.

IECEx05 examination system

Het IECEx examensysteem is modulair opgezet. Dat wil zeggen dat afhankelijk van de functie één of meer examens kunnen worden afgelegd. De keuze hiervan wordt vaak voorgeschreven door de opdrachtgever en/of werkgever. Het examen van unit 001: ‘Toepassen van basisprincipes van veiligheid in explosieve omgevingen’ is het startpunt voor alle andere units. Daarna wordt, afhankelijk van de functie, een nadere keuze gemaakt.
Veiligheidskundigen en verantwoordelijken voor zonering volgen bijvoorbeeld ook unit 002: ‘Zoneren van explosiegevaarlijke gebieden’. Als onderhoudstechnicus werkzaam in explosiegevaarlijke gebieden worden, naast unit 001, ook de units 003 ‘Installeren van explosieveilige apparatuur en bekabeling’ en 004 ‘Onderhoud in explosiegevaarlijke omgevingen’ gevolgd.

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