Starting from 8 people, it is economical and attractive to organize a B-VCA (Basic Safety VCA) or VOL-VCA (Safety for Operational Managers VCA) exam within your organization or school.
You set the schedule, provide a suitable location and invite the candidates. We do the rest. Do you have any questions about that? Then get in touch with us. We'll be happy to help.
Of course, we can also conduct exams in the other available languages within your company (within or outside the Netherlands). The VCA exams are available in many common languages. However, there is an extra charge for these languages.
The surcharge is €7.95 p.p. for the following languages:
The surcharge is €47 p.p. for the following languages:
Do you have candidates who have difficulty reading? You can also opt for a read-aloud exam for the VCA exam! The exam is taken using computers where the questions are shown one by one and you can answer them at your own pace. All questions and most answers can be clicked to be read aloud. Candidates can do this as many times as they need. The exam consists of 40 questions and a maximum of 75 minutes is available for this. The VCA read-aloud exam can be taken in almost all languages.
Ook bij een incompany examen houden wij ons aan de landelijke voorschriften van SSVV en de Examenkamer. De werkwijze bij een VCA-bedrijfsexamen vind je hier.
You can find the procedure for a VCA company exam here.
At PBNA, we know that working safely is a priority for you. That's why we've been providing quality accessible exams for over 100 years. So your people can get on the job quickly, safely and responsibly.
We are happy to help you
You will receive an answer to your question no later than the next working day.
ContactThrough the order button below, choose your date, time and location. If you do this a week before the exam, the exam is guaranteed to take place. Sooner is also possible, but please consult us. You do not need to register any candidates yet.
OrderingYou should preferably register candidates 3 days before the exam using the Excel file that you can download from the button below.
Excel for submitting candidates