Have you passed your VCA? Then, in addition to your VCA, you will also receive a digital pass. Ideal to always have with you when you are at work.
After passing your VCA exam, a digital VCA pass is immediately created for you. If you view your exam results, you can easily save this digital pass on your phone. You can save it as a start icon. This way you can always quickly show that you have a VCA certificate.
By the way, the digital pass is only available if you also passed your exam through PBNA.
You can download a digital pass if you obtained a VCA diploma through PBNA after 01-01-2015.
Do you like a hard VCA? If you want to receive a hard (credit card model) VCA, you can order it. However, this is only possible if you have obtained your VCA from PBNA! Therefore, check first in the Central Diploma Register whether you have obtained your diploma at PBNA. The cost is € 20.00 (excluding VAT) for the hard pass.