pbna vca examen eindhoven



To best prepare for the VCA exam, you can take a VCA course. A VCA course will give you a good foundation for the exam. In addition, you can also prepare by studying at home and taking one or more mock exams.

Prepare with PBNA

PBNA is een examenbureau en neemt VCA-examens af. We verzorgen zelf geen VCA-cursussen op locatie. Wél kun je bij PBNA terecht voor uitstekend studiemateriaal en up-to-date proefexamens, zodat je je goed kunt voorbereiden. Wil jij je VCA-certificaat halen? Boek dan een combinatiepakket, bestaande uit:

  • The exam
  • Het ebook
  • 5 up-to-date mock exams

Order the combination package

Various VCA-courses

There are several VCA-courses you can take.
The duration of the course you take is usually one day, but it depends on where you take the course and which VCA-exam you want to take: B-VCA, VOL-VCA or VIL-VCU.
You can attend an on-site course where you will cover the course material with multiple students, or you can choose to attend an online course and prepare for the exam through self-study.

What will you learn in a VCA course?

In elke VCA-cursus leer je over cruciale onderwerpen zoals wet- en regelgeving, veilig werken op hoogte, omgaan met elektriciteit en gevaarlijke stoffen, en het juist gebruik van persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen. Als je een VOL-VCA of VIL-VCU-cursus volgt, dan krijg je ook inzicht in leidinggevende aspecten en de specifieke verantwoordelijkheden binnen uitzendorganisaties.

Which VCA course is right for me?

The various courses are tailored to the position you hold when it comes to occupational safety and health.


Are you an employee and do you work in a high-risk environment, or perform work that could be risky? Then the B-VCA course is sufficient. B-VCA stands for Basisveiligheid VCA and is intended for executive employees.

meer over VCA-basis


Werk je in een risicovolle omgeving of in een omgeving waar risicovolle werkzaamheden worden uitgevoerd, maar heb jij een leidinggevende functie? Dan is de cursus VOL-VCA voor jou bedoeld. In deze cursus leer je niet alleen meer over veilig en gezond werken op de werkvloer, maar ook hoe jij leidinggevende hiermee om dient te gaan.

more about VOL-VCA


If you work in a temporary employment or secondment agency and place people at companies with a high-risk work environment, or if your placed employees carry out high-risk work themselves, then the VIL-VCU course is for you. During the course you will not only learn the basics of safe and healthy working, but also how you, as a temporary employment agency, should deal with this.

More about VIL-VCU

Are you a freelancer? Then the best course for you depends on the activities you perform for the various clients. If you only do executive work, then B-VCA is sufficient. But are you also used as a subcontractor and do you have management tasks? Then you need a diploma VOL-VCA .

What topics are covered during a course VCA?

Course content differs whether you take a B-VCA, VOL-VCA or VIL-VCU course.
Topics covered in all courses are:

    • Safety and health laws and regulations.
    • Working at height
    • Working with electricity
    • Working with hazardous materials
    • Working in confined spaces
    • Fire and explosion hazards
    • Veilig gebruikmaken van machines en gereedschappen
    • Performing actions such as lifting and hoisting responsibly
    • Use of personal protective equipment

If you take a course VCA-VOL, these topics are supplemented by leadership aspects when it comes to creating a safe and healthy work environment and motivating employees to work safely and healthily.

If you take a VIL-VCU course, you'll not only learn the basics, but you'll also learn more about the responsibilities of an employment agency when it comes to workplace safety and your role within it as an agent.

When should you follow a VCA course?

Taking a VCA course is completely optional. How you best prepare for the VCA exam is entirely up to you. You are not required to take a VCA course in preparation.

Also, you are not required by law to have a VCA diploma. But your employer or client may require you to obtain a VCA diploma.

Is het bedrijf waarvoor je werkt VCA-gecertificeerd, of de uitzendorganisatie waarvoor je werkt VCU-gecertificeerd, dan moeten zij vanuit de VCA hun medewerkers verplichten een VCA-diploma te behalen.

Where to take a VCA course

VCA is een begrip in Nederland. Niet voor niets zijn meer dan 15.000 bedrijven VCA-gecertificeerd en zijn alle medewerkers van deze bedrijven in het bezit van een VCA-diploma. Er is dus veel vraag naar VCA-cursussen en examens. Daarom worden er door heel Nederland cursussen gegeven en examens afgenomen. In de meeste grote steden kun je wel terecht om jouw VCA-certificaat te behalen. Zoals in Amsterdam, Apeldoorn, Arnhem, Breda, Den Bosch, Den Haag, Ede, Eindhoven, Groningen, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Utrecht en Zwolle.

VCA in different languages

Having a VCA certificate is important to many companies. After all, safety in the workplace is paramount. If employees know how to work safely, this prevents industrial accidents. Do you speak another language? Then that can make passing the Dutch VCA exam extra difficult. That is why PBNA also offers study materials and exams in other languages.

Completion of the VCA course with an exam

You complete a course at VCA with an exam. At PBNA you can register for VCA exams in your area, you can take the VCA exam in more than 60 locations.

Read more about the different exams:

You can take an exam on an open enrollment basis. This means that you can go independently to an exam in your area. If you follow a VCA course at a training provider, you sometimes take the exam at the end of the course day. An exam can also be arranged from the employer, in which case you take an in-company exam.

Go to VCA-exams

More about VCA-base

Learn more about VCA-basis. What will you learn in a course VCA-basic?


Meer over VOL-VCA

Learn more about VOL-VCA. What do you learn during a course VOL-VCA?


Meer over VIL-VCU

Find out more about VIL-VCU. What will you learn during a VIL-VCU course?