
The liability of Koninklijke PBNA BV (hereinafter to be referred to as: PBNA), of the employees of PBNA and of the persons for whom PBNA is responsible and/or liable, for loss or damage, including consequential loss (including loss due to delay, and loss of profit) attributable to it, shall in all cases be limited to a maximum of the invoice value of the part of the agreement from which the liability arises.

All (editorial) information, including advice, ideas, opinions and/or instructions, has been compiled carefully and to the best of PBNA's knowledge, but PBNA and the authors can in no way guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. PBNA and the authors therefore accept no liability whatsoever for damage, of whatever nature, resulting from actions and/or decisions based on the said information. The other party is expressly advised not to use this information in isolation but to rely on its professional knowledge and experience and to check the information to be used.

PBNA shall make every effort to maximise the availability of its website as well as to rectify (or have rectified) any malfunctions as soon as possible. A malfunction with respect to the website www.pbna.com cannot lead to compensation by PBNA to the other party. PBNA is not responsible or liable for failures in the networks of third parties by means of which access to the Website is obtained.

Contact details

Visiting address:
H.A. Lorentzstraat 1A
3331 EE Zwijndrecht
Chamber of Commerce: 09017208

Postal address:
P.O. Box 68
3330 AB Zwijndrecht
VAT number: EN

Telephone: (078) 62 53 889

Do you have a question?

Telephone: (078) 62 53 889
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