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VCA in 19 languages

Schedule the VCA exam directly in the desired language

VCA in other languages

PBNA offers exams, mock exams and study materials in several languages.

The VCA Basic, VCA and VIL-VCU exams are available in the following languages:

Languages B-VCA B-VCA (read aloud) VCA VIL-VCU
Dutch V V V V
Arabic V V x x
Bulgarian V V x x
German V V V x
English V V V V
French V V V x
Greek V V x x
Hungarian V V x x
Italian V V x x
Croatian V V x x
Lithuanian V x x x
Ukrainian V x x x
Polish V V x x
Portuguese V V x x
Romanian V V x x
Russian V V x x
Slovak V V x x
Spanish V V x x
Turkish V V x x

Do you have a question?

Telephone: (078) 62 53 889
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More in other languages

In addition to VCA-exams in different languages, PBNA also has mock exams and books available in different languages.

Read more about:

VCA-proof exams in 4 languages

Trial exams VCA are also available in Dutch, English, Polish and Romanian.
Trial exams VCA and VIL-VCU are available in Dutch and English.

Order trial exams