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VCA-examens in 19 talen

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VCA-exams in other languages

PBNA offers exams, mock exams and study materials in several languages.

De examens VCA Basis, VOL-VCA en VIL-VCU zijn beschikbaar in de volgende talen:

Languages B-VCA B-VCA (read aloud) VOL-VCA VIL-VCU
Dutch V V V V
Arabic V V x x
Bulgarian V V x x
German V V V x
English V V V V
French V V V x
Greek V V x x
Hungarian V V x x
Italian V V x x
Croatian V V x x
Lithuanian V x x x
Ukrainian V x x x
Polish V V x x
Portuguese V V x x
Romanian V V x x
Russian V V x x
Slovak V V x x
Spanish V V x x
Turkish V V x x

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More in other languages

In addition to VCA-exams in different languages, PBNA also has mock exams and books available in different languages.

Read more about:

VCA-proof exams in 4 languages

Proefexamens VCA-basis zijn ook verkrijgbaar in het Nederlands, Engels, Pools en Roemeens.
Proefexamens VOL-VCA en VIL-VCU zijn in het Nederlands en Engels verkrijgbaar.

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