NEN 3140 VP (Skilled Person)

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NEN3140 VP

(Skilled Person)

The examination NEN3140 VP (Vakbekwaam Persoon) is intended for employees who carry out electrical engineering work independently in their work and for those who have access to switch rooms. For example, fault or service engineers who work in switch cabinets, carry out measurements or repair or replace parts.

In addition to a specific training course and examination, a written instruction as a VP-er by the employer is necessary.

The exam includes questions on the following subjects: Laws and regulations, Electricity hazards, Designation of persons, Electrical equipment, Safe working practices.

The exam comprises 40 multiple-choice questions and you have a maximum of 60 minutes to do so. You pass and receive the diploma if you have answered at least 28 questions correctly. The NEN 3140 diploma is valid for 3 years and after that you have to take the exam again.

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Order your NEN3140 exam here.
